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Data Services and D-Base Management

ERC as a full service research and panel company offers qualitative and quantitative research services and cost effective B2C, B2B, Healthcare, Ethnographic and other analytical services to ease management usage, interpretation and deployment of your data for optimum value. With more than 100,000 active panelists, we offer two key services under this division: Panels and Sampling Services including online and telephone panels across consumer, trade and special groups in Nigeria and several other African countries

In statistics, quality assurance, & survey methodology, sampling worries with the choice of a set of people from at intervals a applied math population to estimate characteristics of the entire population. every observation measures one or additional properties (such as weight, location, color) of noticeable bodies distinguished as freelance objects or people. In survey sampling, weights will be applied to the info to regulate for the sample style, significantly proportional sampling. Results from applied mathematics and applied math theory area unit used to guide observe. In business and medical analysis, sampling is wide used for gathering info a couple of population.

Sampling is concerned with choosing a subset of individuals from a statistical population to estimate characteristics of a whole population.

The sampling method includes many stages:

Defining the population of concern

Specifying a sampling frame, a collection of things or events potential to live
Specifying a sampling technique for choosing things or events from the frame
Determining the sample size
Implementing the sampling range
Sampling and information assembling Data which may be elite

Sampling Methods:

1. likelihood or Probability sampling
2. Non-probability sampling

Sampling ways

x. easy sampling
x. Systematic sampling
x. proportional sampling
x. Probability-proportional-to-size sampling
x. Cluster sampling
x. Quota sampling
x. Minimax sampling
x. Accidental sampling
x. Line-intercept sampling
x. Panel sampling

Panel sampling

Panel sampling is that the technique of initial choosing cluster of participants through a sampling technique so asking that group for (potentially the same) info many times over a amount of your time. Therefore, every participant is interviewed at 2 or longer points; every amount of information assortment is termed a "wave".

This longitudinal sampling-method permits estimates of changes within the population, as an example with respect to chronic malady to job stress to weekly food expenditures. Panel sampling can even be wont to inform researchers concerning within-person health changes because of age or to assist justify changes in continuous dependent variables like spousal interaction.


Probability-proportional-to-size (PPS) is sampling in which the selection probability for each element is set to be proportional to its size measure, up to 1. This approach can improve accuracy by concentrating a sample on large elements that have the greatest impact on population estimates.

Maintaining the randomness in a sample is very important to each sampling technique to ensure that the findings are representative of the population in general.

Panel sampling is the method of selecting a group of participants through a random sampling method and then asking that group for the same information again several times over a period of time. This longitudinal sampling-method allows for estimates of changes in the population.


Simple Random Sampling

A simple random sampling (SRS) is a sample of a given size in which all such subsets of the frame are given an equal probability to be chosen.

Systematic Sampling

Systematic sampling relies on arranging the target population according to some ordering scheme, a random start, and then selecting elements at regular intervals through that ordered list.

Stratified Sampling

Stratified sampling is a method of probability sampling such that sub-populations within an overall population are identified and included in the sample selected in a balanced way.